15.02.2021   Ira Skvortsova is Editor-in-Chief of Advances in Cancer Biology - Metastasis (Elsevier)


Advances in Cancer Biology - Metastasis - Journal - Elsevier

28.01.2021   Cristina Maccalli, Laboratory of Immune and Biological Therapy

Cancer Program, Sidra Medicine, Doha, Qatar

Exploiting the immune system for cancer treatment: advances and challenges





14.01.2021  Adit Ben-Baruch, Laboratory for Research of Inflammatory/Immune

Modules in Malignancy, The Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer ResearchGeorge S. Wise Faculty of Life SciencesTel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

                Inflammation-driven tumor-stroma interactions in breast cancer




03.12.2020  Alessandra Bisio, Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology – CiBiO, University of Trento, Italy

Impact of different radiation sources on transcription and translation to predict the molecular mechanisms underlying the abscopal effect






Today, the first online EXTRO-Lab Seminar was organized, and prof. Yari Ciribilli (Laboratory of Molecular Cancer Genetics, Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology CIBIO, University of Trento, Italy) has given a lecture The novel concept of p53 isoforms. 

47 participants from different countries around the world attended the seminar. Yari's lecture initiated an interest in researchers, and he has received a number of questions.


EXTRO-Lab Blog

Lab Songs

4. Juli 2018
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Happy New 2018 Year!

2. Jan. 2018
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NEW! Seminar and demonstration of the Live Cell Imager

29. Sep. 2017
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NEW! Anja Pislar is welcome!

29. Sep. 2017
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Ira Skvortsova is awarded by Immunotools http://www.immunotools.de/

12. Sep. 2017
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ELISA using ELLA instrument

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Seahorse XFp Instrument

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